I'm a passionate programmer that gains gratification from the journey of designing and developing software.


Farnborough College of Technology, Farnborough

Level 3 BTEC of Game Studies.

September 2020 - May 2022

Overall: MMP


Here is a list of my projects that I think are worth noting, a more in depth look at these projects can be found on my portfolio website (oebsworth.github.io/portfolio-website-nextjs-web), and my github (github.com/oebsworth).

Porfolio Website

I created this to showcase my work and to link to my C.V., I plan to update this and change how it is currently formatted. You can view the code here (github.com/oebsworth/portfolio-website-nextjs-web).

Procedural C.V.

This is the page that you are currently on. Due to my constant learning and understanding of new things. I wanted to create a 'procedural' C.V. that I could update programmatically. Currently it is a next.js project, however I plan to adapt it into my personal portfolio website with Sanity integration. You can view the code here (github.com/oebsworth/procedural-cv-nextjs-web).

Kitchen Chaos

This is a course that I followed from Code Monkey's youtube channel. It teaches the ins and outs of the single-player unity workflow. This was the first big project I worked on in Unity, I have commented throughout the code to show that I understand when to use the coding principles. You can view the code and play the game at (github.com/oebsworth/kitchen-chaos-unity).

Time Trial Car Game

This was the first piece of Upwork work that I did for a client. Unfortunately the client backed out of payment so I didn't get the credit I deserved for my Upwork profile. You can view the code and play the game here (github.com/oebsworth/time-trial-car-game-unity).

Warehouse Wreckage

Warehouse wreckage is the first game that I have created for my c++ unreal engine course. It is a game set in a warehouse where you can destroy the environment with fun physics and destruction effects. This game is made with blueprint and served as a starting point for unreal engine. You can view the code and play the game at (github.com/oebsworth/warehouse-wreckage-unreal).

Obstacle Assault

Obstacle assault is the second game that I have created for my c++ unreal engine course. The level is a couple of floating islands with some moving obstacles on them. This was a basic introduction to c++ and the coding principles. You can view the code and play the game at (github.com/oebsworth/obstacle-assault-unreal).


CategorySkills ( Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced )
Programming LanguagesJavaScript (Adv), C# (Adv), Python (Int), C++ (Int), Typescript (Int), Kotlin (Int)
Programming FrameworksReactJS (Int), NextJS (Adv), VueJS (Beg), NuxtJS (Int), Angular (Beg), Solid (Beg), Stencil (Beg), Svelte (Beg), Electron (Beg), Nextron (Beg)
Programming TechnologiesTailwindCSS (Int), GSAP (Beg), Three.js (Beg), MongoDB (Beg), Mongoose (Int), Cloudinary (Beg), Sanity (Beg), JSX (Adv), Axios (Int), OpenCV (Int), Numpy (Int), Tkinter (Beg), customtkinter (Int), Tensorflow (Beg)
SoftwaresBlender (Adv), Visual Studio (Beg), VS Code (Int), Git (Int), Figma (Int), Adobe Photoshop (Int), Adobe Illustrator (Beg), MS Word (Int), MS Powerpoint (Int), MS Excel (Int), Android Studio (Int)
Game EnginesUnity (Adv), Unreal Engine (Int)
Areas of UnderstandingWeb Development (Adv), Game Development (Int), Machine Learning (Beg)


Farnborough, Hampshire

2019 - 2020

Farnborough Fins

2019: I worked as a dedicated pool helper for Farnborough Fins, I ensured a safe environment for young children during their activities. I collaborated with a new team each shift, building new relationships in real-time to provide the best experience for teachers and the children that were taking part. Unfortunately this position ended due to covid.


During my spare time, I enjoy working on personal projects, I take great pleasure in learning new things and usually learn quickly. I also play video games with my friends, when I do we focus on teamwork, leading us to winning the game. Sometimes I am given the role of in game leader, this means that it is my job to call the strategies that we will follow during that game. I will allocate my teammates roles that they are comfortable with and focus on our mistakes so that we can better ourselves for the next round.


Richie Mobwete - Pronounced: Rish-ee Mow-bweh-tay:

Motion Realm, Director,


College Tutor.